Department of Pharmacology

Information about the module Pharmacology

Module Pharmacology organized in 2013 (16.09.13y.) And operates according to the «Regulations on the module» .Modul is based on integrated learning KazNMU Center at Almaty, st. Akan series 14. The module manages Ph.D., Associate Professor GB Aytzhanova. Pharmacology module operates 6 people, 1 of them — MD (Associate Professor Izatova AE), 2 candidate of medical sciences (Associate Professor GB Aytzhanova and Senior Lecturer Esetova KU) and 3 teachers Zhamalieva K. K. Kantureeva GT, GM Mamasheva.

Module pharmacology study students 3 courses in the specialty «General Medicine» — in a modular integrated learning system.
The module is working on 3 directions:
1. Educational work- in 3 languages Kazakh, Russian and English on integrated teaching method.
2. On the module has all the teaching materials in accordance with the SES — 2006 and Letter of Instruction.

The level of methodological support of the educational process meets the modern demands of training. The educational process is provided in sufficient textbooks and manuals (in 3 languages), tables, figures, collectors drugs, situational problems, diagrams, slides. There are also manuals on innovative teaching methods, problem-based learning on electronic media. The results of the passage of the FPC on innovative technologies in the teaching staff of the department KazNMU n.S.D.Asfendiyarov actively implemented in the educational process (there are acts of the introduction of innovative teaching methods in the educational process).

  1. Educational Activities. Modulepharmacologyeducational workcarried out in accordancewith the comprehensive planof the Universityin the following areas: anti-corruptiontalks, teaching students the basics ofmedical ethics, cultural work, sports activities, promotion of healthy lifestyles, patriotic, legal and labor education, participation in intercollegiate, urban andnational events.
  2. Science and research work:

According to the research work of the staff of the module pharmacology involved in the following projects: «Phytochemical research of raw materials, kind of honeysuckle flora representatives of Kazakhstan and working on their basis of new dosage forms used in practice»; «Development of nanocomposites biogenic metals as feed additives for livestock,» «Search for new high-level and low-toxicity of local antiaritmic among the newly synthesized derivatives of piperidine», « Studying antitussive activity and acute toxicity marsh calamus».

The module is held SRWS. Students mug regularly participated in the international scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists, played with reports. Period of 2013-2015. Employees of the module based on the results of research published 11 articles, 2 thesis.

Head of the module pharmacology, kms Aytzhanova GB