
Composition: associate – Sayakova G. M., Kerimhanova S. E., masters:-Gumusova G. T., Abdrahman, Ahtaeva U. A. the theme of A. A.

Sayakova G. M. – Held internships in the educational and scientific process, published scientific articles, held sem)inars and made presentations on the scientific conferences in one of the following countries: Slovenia (Bratislava), Vienna (Austria), Hungary (Budapest), Belgium (Brussels), France (Paris), Germany (Cologne, Luxembourg), the Netherlands (Rottedam, the Netherlands). Passed scientific training in 2014 through the Bolashak six months at Saint-Petersburg chemical-pharmaceutical Academy




SAYAKOVA GALIYA MYRZAGALIEVNA (born in Almaty, Kazakhstan) – PhD of pharmacy Sciences, associate Professor, Head of the module “the Pharmacist-pharmacognosist”, the Chairman of the COP “Pharmacy”, the Chairman of the career guidance, faculty of pharmacy, Kazakh national medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov.

Education: Graduated from Almaty state medical Institute (ASMI) in 1979 (pharmacist). In 1991, the graduate school of the target cipher, specialty 15.00.02 “Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy”, defended a PhD thesis in all-Union scientific-research Institute of Pharmacy, Ministry of health of USSR, Moscow (Russia). Interned at analizei quality control of medicines in Germany (1995). Passed semi-annual research internship on the “Bolashak” in Russia, Saint-Petersburg chemical-pharmaceutical Academy.

Work activity/professional experience. Analyst, head of retsepturno – production Department with manual and selling in CRA No. 36 GRES, ili district (1979-1982). Senior laboratory technician at ASMI at the Department of “Pharmaceutical chemistry” (1982-1983). Methodist, senior methodologist, head of RANK of health Ministry for higher and secondary medical education. Combine work in the national medical College at the Department of “Pharmacology”. Full-time postgraduate course in “Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy”, defense in Moscow (1988-1991). Lecturer (competition) “Analysis” and “Toxicological chemistry” (1991-1994). Combine a work –in-court-medical-expertise in the position of chemist-analyst (5 years). Chief specialist, scientific Secretary of the Pharmacopoeia Committee and the expert of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1994-2004). Simultaneous teaching (by competition), Department of pharmaceutical chemistry as an assistant, then associate Professor of “Pharmaceutical and Toxicological chemistry, the basics of “Pharmacognosy and botany” (1995 – 2012). Combine work at the University of Technology (2 years). Head, associate Professor of the module “the Pharmacist-pharmacognosist” (2009-present) .

Area of scientific interest. Research, creation, development of new dosage forms of domestic raw materials of vegetable and animal origin. The search and application of herbal medicines in the domestic pharmaceutical market. Pharmaceutical, Toxicological, including the phytochemical drug development. Pharmaceutical expertise and quality control of medicines. Development of normative documentation on any medications.

Scientific achievements/publications. About 200 papers, including 5 patents, 4 textbooks; 4 generic training programs in the pharmaceutical profession, a Participant in the grant work “Scientific and methodological justification of formation and development of translational medicine” (Order No. 1830 dated 05.05.2014 g).

Awards: Honorary badge in honor of the 20 anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan “Bronze medal of KazNMU named after S. D. Asfendiyarov”. Diplomas “the Best teacher”, “For merits in KazNMU named after S. D. Asfendiyarov” MOH and MES etc. thanks to the winner of the competition for the best work of student groups.

Major works: Work on textbooks on “Pharmacognosy” and “Laboratory manual of Pharmacognosy” for students of the 5th course of pharmaceutical faculty.

Working on 2 grants to the MES for the study of domestic vegetable raw materials.

Contacts: 87772341401. а[email protected]. The Cabinet 152 b , Time, reception 8.00-18.00