Research work with students

Research work of students is one of the most important means of improving the quality of training and education of specialists with higher professional education in the field of pharmacy.

Involving students in research work makes it possible to use their intellectual potential to solve pressing problems of modern science.

The research work of students is a continuation and deepening of the educational process and is organized directly at the departments.

The supervision of students’ research work is carried out by professors and teachers of the department.

The main objectives of students’ research work are:

  • mastery of methods of scientific knowledge, in-depth and creative assimilation of educational material;
  • training in methods and means of independently solving scientific and technical problems and skills of working in scientific teams; familiarization with methods of organizing their work;
  • developing students’ ability to competently design and present scientific results.
  • preparing future specialists for the practical implementation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired at the university, helps to master the methodology of scientific research and gain research experience.

Research work of students, carried out during extracurricular time, is organized in the form:

  • participation in student scientific events at various levels (university, republican, international). These may include: scientific seminars, conferences, competitions of scientific and educational research works of students, etc.;
  • work in the student scientific society.

Темы магистерских и докторских диссертаций выполняемые на кафедре

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